
Telehealth Medicine Services at Integrity Medical PLC

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Integrity Medical PLC provides a wide range of online telehealth medicine services, such as wellness sessions, weight loss discussions, overall well-being advice, and more. Read on to find out how my company helps clients improve their health.

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Comprehensive Wellness Care

Discussion about overall health and services provided. Comprehensive discussion includes weight management, hormone balance, medication evaluation, and lab review. This is designed to discuss many aspects of your overall health and well-being, along with various treatment options and management.

General Consult:

Symptom-based discussion and evaluation along with detailed treatment plan specific to needs. This can also include general guidance in dealing with current medical issues, discussions about your current treatment plan, as well as incorporating alternative treatment options alongside with your current treatment plans.

Bioidentical Hormone consult:

Many patients experience the effects of menopause and andropause as early as their 30s. This consultation includes a symptom evaluation and a detailed discussion about hormones and how they impact overall well-being. We will also discuss testing options and treatment with various Bioidentical hormone replacement options pertinent to both male and female patients.

Weight Management Consult:

Detailed discussion about weight goals and various management strategies depending on needs. This can include healthy lifestyle changes, physical activity, meal planning, as well as medications, to create patient-specific changes that allow for long-term success.

How does the process work?

When you are ready to take your first step on your wellness journey, you can request an appointment. You will be directed to my EHR provider to establish your Patient Portal and schedule a time to meet.

Every patient is different, and because of this, appointments can be flexible and can be discussed on an individual basis depending on needs.

Due to current telehealth rules and regulations, this opportunity is open to Arizona residents only at this time.

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