
Telehealth Medicine Services at Integrity Medical PLC

Request an Appointment


  • Is this Concierge Medicine?

    My primary format is a Fee For Service Telehealth-based care. This means you will pay only when you have an appointment, and you are not charged monthly or quarterly, regardless of whether you are seen.

  • How much does it cost?

    General fees vary depending on New vs. Established patients. 

    As a guideline, New Patient Fees start at  250$-300$ and an Established Patient Fee can range from  75$-250$ depending on the services provided. 

    Customized Care Services are also available that provide highly specialized and personalized care at negotiable rates.

    All fees are subject to change and are available to review prior to appointments.

  • What services are available?

    -General consult regarding particular symptoms

    -Bio-identical Hormone replacement for both women and men

    -Weight loss management options

    -Comprehensive wellness consultation can include a very patient-specific/detailed encounter, depending on needs.

  • How often will I be seen?

    You can expect at least 4-5 visits annually, including your initial consult. This can also vary depending on needs.

  • Do I still need insurance?

    Yes. This does not take the place of your Health Insurance Coverage. You will also continue to see your Primary Care provider as needed.

  • How does this work?

    When you are ready to take your first step on your wellness journey, you can request an appointment. You will be directed to my EHR provider to establish your Patient Portal and schedule a time to meet.

    Every patient is different, and because of this, appointments can be flexible and can be discussed on an individual basis depending on needs.

    Due to current telehealth rules and regulations, this opportunity is open to Arizona residents only at this time.

  • How are payments made?

    Payments are made through your patient portal/EHR provided by Athenahealth. These are secure payments with various payment options made prior to your appointment.

  • What is Athenahealth?

    Athenahealth is a healthcare services provider that I have partnered with to deliver accessible, high- quality and sustainable healthcare to all. Through their technology, insight, and expertise, I will be able to provide you with a secure patient engagement experience to improve your overall Well-being.

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